2020 changed ev-er-y-thing! I don't think there is a single person that can say that it didn't, and if they do they're lying, in my mind anyway. For me it changed everything about me- my life, my body, my job, how I ate, day-to-day.. etc. Now don't get me wrong not all change is bad and looking back, 3 years later I can say I needed that literal grasp on my entire life for me to make a change, or I wasn't going to make the drastic ones that covid forced. I was going to continue working non-stop, running myself into exhaustion and trying to fit 36 hours into a 24 hour period day in and day out.
When covid hit, and I got sick March 2020, and was out of work for 3 weeks, that was weird, most work I've ever missed and it felt wrong, but scary and there were so many unknowns. I don't need to go into all of that except for me 3 days into it when I woke up with zero smell and taste, my world changed, and has never gone back to be exactly the same. This happened when it wasn't quite a symptom yet so it was very strange that I could smell N-O-T-H-I-N-G and I was a very hyper sensitive person with scent and had spent my life training my taste. I felt lost and confused. After I was "better" and went back to work I only lasted a few months, it just wasn't the same I couldn't taste anything and I couldn't smell and I just didn't have the stamina I needed to be in a commercial kitchen.
Unfortunately, I had to listen to my body and give my notice and in June 2020 I left the professional culinary world, that I loved. This gave me time to focus on me, and to figure out a plan. Now I throw a lot of ideas out there, and talk a lot, but I have always absolutely loved to feed people and all aspects of food. I enjoy it all from growing it, prepping, playing, cooking, eating, and especially feeding people. Spending time with my fiancé and just bouncing my dreams and ideas, I started toying with the idea of classes, I still couldn't taste and smell and I was struggling with fatigue and other symptoms. So I figured I could incorporate my love of food just in a very different way. I just wasn't ready to give it up all together.
My idea was to make a space where people could come and be creative, whether it be with me or my mum. I wanted to teach about food, not for it to be intimidating but for it to be fun and open and inviting. I want to get to a point where we pick from the garden and go in and cook a meal, and laugh and play with our food the whole time. I wanted to make a space where people feel at home the second they walk in the door, and they are excited to engage in whatever we're creating and look forward to come back or go home and try it there too.
It started as just talk, and little ideas here and there, and we would bounce ideas off each other. The little idea, started to really take on a life of its own and became so exciting and by the summer 2021, I took a sledge hammer to a wall and said, let's do this. That was the beginning of Creachins.